Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the group

its good to join the play group. I met a lot of new friends and most important Isyraf got to know more friends, more civilized friends who teach him to say "Thank you''...and "please"..

hmm..well, it's not a waste to spend more than hundred bucks. I feel more motivated, refreshed and good! Feel good to be surrounded by kuay lo again..It makes me appreciate people around me more, my family which I have pushed away for quite sometime, my friends and last but not least,him- which i always made assumptions based on emotions.

been to few places with some friends from the play group really open my mind again-that I am not alone. For Tania, thanks dear for always being a listener! For Daniel, hey, your son is really cute and he adores me..Hahaha...For, Jamie, you are wonderful lady! Just don't give up so easily okay!

Thanks all!

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