It started with hari raya on Saturday and as great it may sound- it was not really bad either heh*
i stayed over at mum's place on raya eve-helping mama cooking rendang and all those normal dishes. It was kinda sad that I only celebrate raya with mama, Adam, Daues and of course *honey :) while Ilanee went back to Kluang and Ziela went back to Tok Dor. Urmm *beeepsss phone call*
The next morning we woke super early for raya though it was not as good as before, we still feel blessed for another chance given for us to celebrate raya together * yeah I know after few years been away from family*
After had our super heavy breakfast * well it's hari raya :P* we headed to Aunt Latifah and Uncle Graham's place.
As usual on first raya, Aunt Latifah was still in her batek and shirt *heee
* After had our dishes, as usual this unhealthy peeeps gonna smoke heee.
(Aunt Latifah is the one in yellow shirt *wink and mama sitting on the chair in baju kurung)
Mama decided to follow Aunt Latifah to hospital to viist a friend who down on dengue so Honey drove mama's Volvo home.
Reached home, after few movies and cracked our heads up with tons of orange juice, we decided to go out for some fresh air *bored lar*
Haha, and we went to Times Square in baju kurung and baju melayu haha!
Not enough with those outfits, we decided to watch a stupid malay show *Otai* which was actually not bad for Malaysian's show standard hee
Food was good and we had fun :) Here are some shots that I managed to capture on first day hari raya :)
Then second day, third and fourth day raya, we went to some colleagues houses after picked up Isyraf from Perak~trying to get honey to feel the raya mode though I was actually not so good in raya-ing hee :)
Then took him out for outing at National Park :)
More shots that I managed to capture :)
A day after when we sending him back to Perak, honey killed a dog :(
Not actually killing but more to hitting hahaha! Two cars in front were pretty fucked up because of trying not to kill the dog but honey macholy + easily hit and went over the dog which caused the death *heee :P
Happy 30th birthday Adhi ! Many happy returns :)
And since we are obsessed about gym, we took the opportunity to visit the gym at his condo:)
P/S sorry for a super long post heee:)
I miss raya in malaysia :(
ReplyDeleteand I miss you :(